Data Vintages


It says on your website home page: “Each revision is archived to build a real-time database.” and “Each data series has a unique ID. You can retrieve the exact dataset researchers used, and reproduce the same results using their code.”. How can I access historical data revisions? For example, I’m looking for a way to access Euro Area GDP initial publications data as of the year of interest, i.e. not the latest after data revisions were made. For example, OECD publishes their data vintages this way: Is there a way to retrieve this data in DBNomics?


We already stock all the vintages, but you can’t access the data series directly from the website or the API for now. You can only obtain the series you’re looking for in XML format ( or in JSON format ( We are currently working on this issue, you can check it here : We will inform you when the tools are ready.

Thank you for your interest in DBnomics!



Hi Thomas,

Thank you very much for your reply, I found it very helpful.

Many thanks,

Hi. I know this is an old topic but landed here after not being able to figure it out myself.

Is it possible to get for example GDP vintages for the euro area member states (Germany, France, etc.)? I tried looking in the eurostat xml as suggested but maybe I missed something?

I really love the project, I think you are doing amazing work.

As for now the API of DBnomics cannot respond data vintages. This is one of our top-priorities.

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Thank you very much for the info!